Illustrator Indian Wedding Card or Invitation Card Template for Hindu Customs Wedding with Bride and Groom Character Illustrations. Download royalty-free stock photos, vectors, HD footage and more on Adobe Stock. yaya.am right s at a very convinient time.i promise you can watch the show having your feast!!! Now, there you go.not just imagining.get ready to experience it. Search from thousands of royalty-free Indian Wedding Card stock images and video for your next project. We told you the DATE is Special :) I know.a fantastic date (feb 29th).a very convinient time with a cooool breeze from the river beside.fabulous dinner.and a beautiful pair sitting infront.what else do u need to attend this wedding? wedding!!! It's Feb 29th!!!!! Hello Everyone, Lalli Want to know when? And about the muhurtham.i mean the knotting time :). I know you guys do not want to miss it.chalo, pack your bags.lets have fun together!!! Sounds great.doesn't it? Wondering about the venue details? Have you ever imagined a wedding venue near a riverside.!!!! We are glad to inform you that our wedding date has been finalized!!! Raj We (Lalli & Raj) are inviting you to join our wedding celebrations!!! Yes.you heard it right!!. Thanks, Lalli and Raj The date is as special as we both are!! :) It's at 8:01 PM.

Transcript: Yeah.the same college which is hanging right beside Godavari river.ooOOO.